UX, Development

Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools

A nationally recognized agency, Accrediting Bureau of Health Educating Schools (ABHES) has been a leader in health education accreditation for more almost half a century. When their web presence needed an overhaul, I oversaw the UX and development of the new site.

Website UX & Development

ABHES needed a user-friendly website that would engage users and provide them with easy access to the information they were seeking. Using the latest best practices, I oversaw the design and development of a website that both functions and looks great.

Information Architecture

As an accreditation agency, ABHES’s website requires access to a lot of information and documentation. I efficiently structured this information in a logical, easy-to-use manner to improve functionality and enhance visitor experiences.

Content Development & Copywriting

The old adage “content is king” is still true. As creative director I oversaw the team that researched, wrote and edited content using ABHES’s brand voice to provide relevant information, improve SEO and enhance their reputation as industry thought leaders.

My Resume

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